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Transformation from .STL to .3DM
Backward .3DM → .STL

Input format contains polygonal information. The target format in most cases contains a solid information, but also allows you to store surface (NURBS), and polygons. If the target file is to get the surfaces (NURBS) or solid models, in most cases requires a manual post-processing file or a full drawing of surfaces.
The complexity of the conversion: HIGH
NameSTereoLithographyRhino OpenNURBS
File extension.stl.3dm
Original softwareRhinoceros 3D
Smoothing groups
Textures, materials
Developer/OwnerRobert McNeel & Associates
SpecificationThe StL FormatOpenNURBS
Format featuresOne of the most ubiquitous exchange formats polygonal geometry between CAD-systems. Can have both binary and ASCII-structure, which is why the same file can vary in size tenfold. See also PLYThe format of the first NURBS-Modeling software for Windows. Is currently open, so there are converters from/to lots of formats
Viewing softwareGLC_Player (free), MeshLab (free)Deep View (free)
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